Coordinating Team

The coordinating team of the doctoral school at KFU consists of G. Haase and K. Bredies; at TU it consists of J. Wallner (O. Steinbach), C. Elsholtz (E. Dragoti-Cela), and J. Orthaber (J. Führer).

Information for Students

Detailed information, e.g. on becoming a member of the doctoral school, and on the procedures necessary when submitting your thesis, can be found in the TU4U system. Please search for `Doctoral School Mathematik und Wissenschaftliches Rechnen' or `Doctoral School of Mathematics and Scientific Computing'. The page with this title is not the 1st search result, though. A link that worked in 02/2023 is this.

Best Practice

TU Graz has guidelines for best practice in science. Links to the 2024 version are her: [English] / [German]

Seminar of the doctoral school

This this seminar, PhD students present their thesis work. Currently the seminar is coordinated by Rodolfo Assereto and Mara Pompili (Univ. Grz) and Johannes Wallner (TU). Details of organization are as follows:

Students usually prepare slides and are requested to bring their own computer (we have VGA and HDMI cable connections to the projector). If you anticipate problems with your hardware, please contact the local organizer of the seminar in advance. It is also possible to do a presentation on the blackboard. Students however are advised that this requires precise preparation. In case of COVID restrictions, the seminar is taking place via videoconference.

Best paper award

Currently (up to, and including 2023) two awards are given per academic year. Thanks to NAWI Graz funding, this best paper award includes a cash prize.

Bylaws of the Doctoral School

The statutes of the doctoral school have been updated in 2020. All students starting before October 2020 are subject to the previous version. All available versions of the statues are here: German 2013, German 2020, English 2013, English 2016, English 2020. The legally binding ones are German 2013 and German 2020.

Mailing list

All Ph.D. students should be subscribed to the list, just as their advisors should be subscribed to the list