Fall School: Discrete Geometry and Topology

TU Graz, September 28 — October 6, 2016
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This fall school takes place at TU Graz (Steyrergasse 30, ground floor, lecture hall BE01). The scientific programme starts on Wednesday September 28 in the morning and ends on Thursday October 6 in the morning. Organizers are Oswin Aichholzer, Michael Kerber, and Johannes Wallner.


The fall school includes courses provided by invited speakers who are leading researchers in their respective fields. Some courses are divided into a lecture part and an exercise part.

The intended audience are all Master students and Ph.D. students of Mathematics and Computer Sience who are interested in the topics of this school.


We gratefully acknowledge support by Graz University of Technology, by the Austrian Mathematical Society, and by the Austrian Science Fund (Doctoral college Discrete Mathematics and SFB-Transregio programme Geometry and Discretization).