Saturday—Sunday July 4–5
Monday July 6
08:15 —09:00 | Registration |
09:00 | Opening |
09:15 |
Keynote: Robert J. Lang (Chair: Mirela Ben-Chen) From Flapping Birds to Space Telescopes: The Art and Science of Origami |
10:15 —10:45 | Coffee Break |
10:45 —12:45 |
Session: Descriptors and Shape Synthesis
(Chair: Daniele Panozzo) |
Mathieu Carrière, Steve Oudot, Maks Ovsjanikov Stable Topological Signatures for Points on 3D Shapes | |
Davide Boscaini, Jonathan Masci, Simone Melzi, Michael Bronstein, Umberto Castellani, Pierre Vandergheynst Learning Class-specific Descriptors for Deformable Shapes Using Localized Spectral Convolutional Networks | |
Haibin Huang, Evangelos Kalogerakis, Benjamin Marlin Analysis and Synthesis of 3D Shape Families via Deep-learned Generative Models of Surfaces | |
Riccardo Roveri, A. Cengiz Öztireli, Sebastian Martin, Barbara Solenthaler, Markus Gross Example Based Repetitive Structure Synthesis | |
12:45 —14:00 | Lunch Break |
14:00 —15:00 | Session: Fabrication (Chair: Etienne Vouga) |
Yong-Liang Yang, Jun Wang, Niloy J. Mitra Reforming Shapes for Material-aware Fabrication | |
Daniele Panozzo, Olga Diamanti, Sylvain Paris, Marco Tarini, Evgeni Sorkine, Olga Sorkine-Hornung Texture Mapping Real-World Objects with Hydrographics | |
15:00 —15:30 | Coffee Break |
15:30 —17:00 | Session: Registration (Chair: Misha Kazhdan)) |
Yizhi Tang, Jieqing Feng Hierarchical Multiview Rigid Registration | |
Jingyu Yang, Ke Li, Kun Li, Yu-Kun Lai Sparse Non-rigid Registration of 3D Shapes | |
Andrea Tagliasacchi, Matthias Schröder, Anastasia Tkach, Sofien Bouaziz, Mario Botsch, Mark Pauly Robust Articulated-ICP for Real-Time Hand Tracking | |
17:00 —18:00 | Poster Session and Presentations (Chair: Ligang Liu) |
Luca Cosmo: Consistent Partial Matching of Shape Collections via Sparse Modeling | |
Emanuele Rodola: Partial Functional Correspondence | |
Nico Schertler: Global Optimality for Streaming Orientation of Point Cloud Normals | |
Mihai-Sorin Stupariu: Discrete curvatures for triangle meshes derived from terrain point cloud data | |
Serena Morigi: Object Partitioning based on a new dynamic strategy for shape diameter analysis | |
Benedek Nagy: A Combinatorial 4-Coordinate System for the Face Centered Cubic Grid | |
Kevin Houston: Title Compressed Manifold Modes: Fast Calculation and Natural Ordering | |
18:00 —19:00 | Welcome Reception |
Tuesday July 7
08:45 | Registration |
09:15 |
Keynote: Amit Singer (Chair: Leif Kobbelt) Solving the 3-D Puzzle of Rotation Assignment in Single Particle Cryo-Electron Microscopy |
10:15 —10:45 | Coffee Break |
10:45 —12:15 | Session: Correspondence and Matching (Chair: Evangelos Kalogerakis) |
Itay Kezurer, Shahar Z. Kovalsky, Ronen Basri, Yaron Lipman Tight Relaxation of Quadratic Matching | |
Etienne Corman, Maks Ovsjanikov, Antonin Chambolle Continuous Matching via Vector Fields Flow | |
Robert Herzog, Daniel Mewes, Michael Wand, Leonidas Guibas, Hans-Peter Seidel LeSSS: Learned Shared Semantic Spaces for Relating Multi-Modal Representations of 3D Shapes | |
12:30 —14:00 | Lunch Break |
14:00 —15:30 | Session: Numerical Methods for Geometry Processing (Chair: Marc Alexa) |
Misha Kazhdan Fast and Exact (Poisson) Solvers on Symmetric Geometries | |
O. Civit-Flores, A. Susin [CG Forum paper] Robust Treatment of Degenerate Elements in Interactive Corotational FEM Simulations | |
Theodore Kim Quaternion Julia Set Shape Optimization | |
15:30 —16:00 | Coffee Break |
16:00 —17:30 | Session: Geometry and Images (Chair: Maks Ovsjanikov) |
Tuanfeng Y. Wang, Pushmeet Kohli, Niloy J. Mitra Dynamic SfM: Detecting Scene Changes from Image Pairs | |
James W. Hennessey, Niloy J. Mitra An Image Degradation Model for Depth Augmented Image Editing | |
Fabian Prada, Misha Kazhdan Unconditionally Stable Shock Filters for Image and Geometry Processing | |
18:30 | Conference Dinner (Prato, Sackstr. 16) |
Wednesday July 8
08:45 | Registration |
09:00 |
Keynote: Mark Pauly (Chair: Pierre Alliez) The Beauty of Geometry |
10:00 —10:30 | Coffee Break |
10:30 —12:30 | Session: Quads and Polygons (Chair: David Bommes) |
Philipp Herholz, Jan Eric Kyprianidis, Marc Alexa Perfect Laplacians for Polygon Meshes | |
Amir Vaxman [CG Forum paper] A Projective Framework for Polyhedral Mesh modeling | |
Faniry H. Razafindrazaka, Ulrich Reitebuch, Konrad Polthier Perfect Matching Quad Layouts for Manifold Meshes | |
Kestitutis Karciauskas, Jörg Peters Can bi-cubic surfaces be class A? | |
12:30 —14:00 | Lunch Break |
14:00 —15:00 | Session: Curves and Graphs (Alec Jacobson) |
Nadav Dym, Anna Shtengel, Yaron Lipman Homotopic Morphing of Planar Curves | |
Vitaliy Kurlin A Homologically Persistent Skeleton of an Unstructured Point Cloud in any Metric Space | |
15:00 | Best Paper Awards, Software Award, and Closure |
Keynote Talks: Abstracts
Robert J. Lang: From Flapping Birds to Space Telescopes: The Art and Science of Origami
The last decade of this past century has been witness to a revolution in the development and application of mathematical techniques to origami, the centuries-old Japanese art of paper-folding. The techniques used in mathematical origami design range from the abstruse to the highly approachable. In this talk, I will describe how geometric concepts led to the solution of a broad class of origami folding problems – specifically, the problem of efficiently folding a shape with an arbitrary number and arrangement of flaps, and along the way, enabled origami designs of mind-blowing complexity and realism, some of which you’ll see, too. As often happens in mathematics, theory originally developed for its own sake has led to some surprising practical applications. The algorithms and theorems of origami design have shed light on long-standing mathematical questions and have solved practical engineering problems. I will discuss examples of how origami has enabled safer airbags, Brobdingnagian space telescopes, and more. [July 6, 09:15]
Amit Singer: Solving the 3-D Puzzle of Rotation Assignment in Single Particle Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Single particle cryo-electron microscopy (EM) recently joined X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy as a high-resolution structural method for biological macromolecules. In single particle cryo-EM, the 3-D structure needs to be determined from many noisy 2-D projection images of individual, ideally identical frozen-hydrated macromolecules whose orientations and positions are random and unknown (i.e., random X-ray transform). This lecture will explore algorithms for estimating the unknown pose parameters. The main focus will be on semidefinite programming relaxations that are based on the Fourier transform over the group SO(3). Such semidefinite programs can be viewed as extensions to existing approximation algorithms to max-cut and unique games, two fundamental problems in theoretical computer science. The approach is quite general and can be used to handle other groups of transformations that arise in other applications in signal processing, image analysis, computer vision and computer graphics. [July 7, 09:15]
Mark Pauly: The Beauty of Geometry
In this talk, I want to convey what fascinates me about geometry. I will exemplify how nature and art can provide inspiration for research and how research in turn can inspire artists or lead to unexpected means for design. The core of the talk will be a personal and highly subjective speculation on the beauty of geometry. In the course of this discussion, I will reflect on several of our past and current projects to highlight how the same fundamental geometry processing problems re-occur in many guises. Connecting the dots between seemingly disparate research projects can hopefully provide insights into the general nature of these problems, but also reveal when specialized solutions are called for. The talk will conclude with a discussion of potential future challenges for geometry processing, both in terms of open problems, but also in the way we operate as a research community. [July 8, 09:00]