Since January 2007, I am a professor of Geometry at TU Graz. Before
that time I was with TU Wien, where I also got my Ph.D. From 10/2009 to
12/2013 I was again affiliated with TU Wien, as a part time professor at the
geometric modeling and industrial geometry group.
Research interests
| SFB/Transregio (FWF Grant I-705) | [active]
| FWF grant No. W1230 | [active]
| FWF grant No. P19780 |
| FWF grant No. P18575 |
| FWF grant No. S9209 |
| Visual Computing grant (FFG) |
| Geometries and their Groups
| Kinematics and Configuration spaces
| FWF grant No. P15911
| FWF grant No. P13938
| FWF grant No. P12252
| FWF grant No. P13648
for a complete list, click here