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Institute of Geometry

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Events co-organized by Institute of Geometry, 2022—
2024/05/24   DK Discrete Mathematics Closing Event [Link]
2023/8/28–9/1   Geometry Workshop (Innsbruck) [Link]
2023/9/18–22   Conference of the Austrian Mathematical Society (Graz) [Link]
  Tag der Geometrie [21.4.2022] , [23.4.2023] [4.4.2024]

Lectures by guests, 2022—
2024/06/28   N. Bergeron (York Univ, CAN): The excedance quotient of the Bruhat order, Quasisymmetric Varieties and Temperley-Lieb algebras [Link]
2024/06/26   Nikola Milićević (Penn State Univ.): Homotopy and singular homology groups of finite (di)graphs [Link]
2024/06/19   János Ruff (Univ. Pécs): Card Games and Finite Geometry [Link]
2024/05/15   F. Šarčević (Univ. Sarajevo): Topology of political structures and voting games modeled by simplicial complexes [Link]
2024/04/24   A. Rathod (Ben-Gurion Univ. Negev): Cup Product Persistence and Its Efficient Computation [Link]
2024/01/11   V. Pons (Paris): The s-weak order and s-Permutahedron [Link]
2023/11/23   J. Roldan (USC): Tightening the Knot Between Biological and Artificial Neural Networks via Shapes from Spiking Neural Networks [Link]
2023/02/22   J. Lazovskis (Riga): Continuous and discrete dynamic topology [Link]
2022/07/20   M. Borzechowski (FU Berlin.): Unique Sink Orientations of Grids is in Unique End of Potential Line [Link]
2022/05/05   H. Adams (Colorado State Univ.): Gromov-Hausdorff distances, Borsuk-Ulam theorems, and Vietoris-Rips complexes [Link]
2022/05/04   A. Merino (TU Berlin): Greedy generation for Hamilton paths in rectangulations, elimination trees and matroids [Link]

Events co-organized by Institute of Geometry, 2019—
2021/09/20–24   Geometry Workshop (Obergurgl) [Link]
2019/09/1–6   Geometry Workshop (Strobl) [Link]
2019/05/24   Student Workshop Approximation Theory and Applications) [Link]
2019/01/3   East Austria TDA Workshop [Link]
  Tag der Geometrie [24.4.2019] , [4.4.2021]

Lectures by guests, 2019—2021
2021/08/19   H. Pottman (KAUST): Paneling architectural freeform surfaces [Link]
2021/08/19   F. Lehner (TU Graz): Folding Polyominoes into Cubes [Link]
2021/08/19   H.-P. Schröcker (Univ. Innsbruck): Curves, Surfaces and Motions [Link]
2020/01/16   T. Heiss (IST Austria): Using multi-cover persistent homology as a fingerprint for periodic crystals [Link]
2019/11/12   C. Moosmüller (Univ. California San Diego): Analysis of gene expression profiles via Wasserstein optimal transport on networks [Link]
2019/10/16   T. Dey (Ohio State Univ.) FoE-Kolloquium: Computational Topology in Shape and Data Analysis [Link]
2019/10/18   T. Dey (Ohio State Univ.): Generalised Persistence Algorithm for Decomposing Multi-parameter Persistence Module
2019/09/26   M. Botnan (VU Amsterdam): Decomposition of Persistence Modules [Link]
2019/01/30   H. Wagner: Bregman geometry and Information Topology [Link]
2019/01/30   H. Edelsbrunner: Tri-partitions of complexes [Link]
2019/01/30   G. Osang: Persistence of Multi-Covers [Link]

Events co-organized by Institute of Geometry, 2016—2018
2017/09/21–26   Geometry Workshop (Obergurgl) [Link]
2017/06/26–30   Conference on Geometry: Theory and Applications (Pilsen) [Link]
2016/9/27–10/6   Fall School Discrete Geometry and Topology [Link]
  Tag der Geometrie [06.4.2016] , [20.4.2017] [5.4.2018]

Lectures by guests 2016—2018
2018/08/30   P. Dlotko (Univ. Swansea): Discrete nerve complex and decorated persistence diagrams
2018/06/21   E. Escolar (RIKEN, Japan): Computing indecomposable decompositions of persistence modules [Link]
2018/06/19   B. Wang (Univ. Utah): Discussions on Discrete Stratified Morse Theory [Link]
2018/04/17   S. Scaramuccia (Univ. Genova): Multi-Parameter Persistence [Link]
2017/03/10   H. Wagner (IST Austria): Topological Analysis in Information Spaces [Link]
2017/02/13   U. Fugacci (Univ. Kaiserslauter): Topological Data Analysis through Homology and Discrete Morse Theory [Link]
2016/10/21   P. Grohs (Univ. Wien): Infinite-dimensional Phase Retrieval [Link]
2016/09/30   H. Edelsbrunner (IST Austria): Distances and divergences in topological data analysis [Link]
2016/09/30   R. Sanyal (Goethe-Univ. Frankfurt): The geometry of double posets [Link]
2016/09/30   W. Kusner (TU Graz): Critical packings, rigidity, and the radius function [Link]
2016/09/22   P. Škraba (Ljubljana): An approximate nerve theorem [Link]
2016/09/08   U. Bauer (TU München): The unexpected efficiency of persistent cohomology [Link]
2016/09/05   S. Raghvendra (Virginia Tech): Robust and Optimal Online Algorithm for Minimum Metric Bipartite Matching [Link]
2016/07/19   C. Yap (NYU): On Soft Foundations for Geometric Computation [Link]
2016/06/24   G. Szewieczek (TU Wien): About special triply orthogonal systems [Link]
2016/06/24   A. Fuchs (TU Wien): Transformations of isothermic channel surfaces [Link]
2016/06/24   V. Branding (TU Wien): Prescribing Curvature and Torsion on Surfaces [Link]

Events co-organized by Institute of Geometry, 2013—2015
  Tag der Geometrie [10.4.2013] [30.4.2014] [15.4.2015]
2015/07/10–12   Geometry Workshop (Seggau) [Link]
2015/07/06–08   Symposium Geometry Processing (Graz) [Link]
2015/06/08–12   Conference on Geometry, Theory and Applications (Kefermarkt) [Link]
2013/08/28–31   Geometry Workshop (Strobl) [Link]
2013/06/22–26   Workshop Multidimensional Continued Fractions (Graz) [Link]

Lectures by guests 2013—2015
2015/12/11   P. Škraba (Ljubljana): Maximal Persistence [Link]
2015/12/04   M. Scolamiero (EPFL): Stable invariants for multidimensional persistence [Link]
2015/07/07   A. Singer (Princeton): Solving the 3-D Puzzle of Rotation Assignment in Single Particle Cryo-Electron Microscopy [Link]
2015/03/24   V. Kurlin (Durham University): A homologically persistent skeleton in computer vision [Link]
2015/01/20–23   Colloqium on computational topology and geometry [Link]
2014/11/21   B. Servatius (Worcester Polytechnic): Henneberg moves on mechanisms [Link]
2014/11/06   C. Tang (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology): Interactive Design with Nonlinear Constraints [Link]
2014/10/08   Ph. Grohs (ETH Zürich) Mathematisches Kolloquium: Anisotropic Structures in Numerics and Signal Processing [Link]
2014/10/07   Ph. Grohs (ETH Zürich): Optimal A Priori Discretization Error Bounds for Geodesic Finite Elements [Link]
2014/07/10   H. Stachel (TU Wien): Ist ein Polyeder durch sein Netz festgelegt? [Link]
2014/07/10   H.-P. Schröcker (Univ. Innsbruck): Neue Resultate zu Rationalen Bewegungsvorgägen [Link]
2014/07/04   S. Klavžar (Univ. Ljubljana): Domination Game [Link]
2014/07/04   W. Imrich (MU Leoben): On the Game of Cops and Robbers [Link]
2014/06/06   G. M. Ziegler (FU Berlin): What is Mathematics? What is Computer Science? - Descriptions, Images, Panoramas [Link]
2013/12/13   A. Mehlmann (TU Wien): Verspielte Mathematik [Link]
2013/11/29   M. Eigensatz (Evolute): No Free Form [Link]
2013/11/19   M. Joswig (Berlin): Lattice Polygons and Real Roots [Link]
2013/10/22   G. Glaeser (Univ. Angew. Kunst Wien): Visualisierung — Simulation — Animation in der Mathematik [Link]
2013/10/01   C. Moosmüller (Wien): Projektive Strukturen, Traktoren und invariante Differentialoperatoren [Link]
2013/04/26   A. Vaxman (TU Wien): A Projective Framework for Polyhedral Mesh Modeling [Link]
2013/04/25   M. Lavíčka (Plzeň): Contour method for parameterizing canal surfaces [Link]
2013/01/18   U. Hertrich-Jeromin (TU Wien): Discrete linear Weingarten surfaces [Link]

Events co-organized by Institute of Geometry, 2010—2012
2012/09/27–30   Adv. Architectural Geometry (Centre Pompidou, Paris) [Link]
2011/06/20–22   Geometry Workshop (Obergurgl) [Link]
2011/06/20–24   Conference on Geometry (Vorau) [Link]
2010/09/22–24   Architectural Geometry Retreat (Johnsbach) [Link]
2010/09/18–21   Adv. Architectural Geometry (Vienna) [Link]
  Tag der Geometrie [18.9.2010] [4.5.2011] [27.9.2012]

Lectures by guests 2010—2012
2012/11/23   F. Schuster (TU Wien): Mathematisches Kolloquium, Integral Geometry and Isoperimetric Inequalities [Link]
2012/11/19   K. Jetter (Hohenheim): Subdivision in shift-invarianten Räumen [Link]
2012/07/19   P. Grohs (ETH Zürich) On the structure of anistropic frames [Link]
2012/07/06   K. Hormann (Lugano) Geometric Curve Subdivision [Link]
2012/06/20   A. Ustinov (Russian Acad. Sc.) Farey fraction spin chains and Gauss-Kuz’min statistics for quadratic irrationals [Link]
2012/03/27   J. Schicho (RICAM, Linz) Faktorisierung von Bewegungen im Raum [Link]
2012/01/27   S. Haller (Univ. Wien) Commutators of Diffeomorphisms [Link]
2012/01/24   F. Aicardi (Triest) The geometry of indefinite binary quadratic forms [Link]
2012/01/20   K.-T. Sturm (Univ. Bonn): Mathematisches Kolloquium, Optimal Transport in Geometry, Analysis and Probability [Link]
2011/11/03   N. Leduc, O. Bernard, A. Sassa (RFR, TU Wien): Minicolloqium on freeform constructions [Link]
2011/10/14   M. Kaltenbäck (TU Wien): Hamiltonsche Differentialgleichungen mit Singularitäten und de Branges-Räume [Link]
2011/05/24   Ph. Grohs (ETH Zürich): Multiscale analysis beyond wavelets [Link]
2010/12/10   N. Mitra (KAUST): Analysis and Manipulation of 3D Geometry (FoSP-Kolloquium) [Link]
2010/11/26   U. Reif (TU Darmstadt): Multivariate Interpolation und Approximation mit Polynomen [Link]
2010/05/06   S. Gorjanc (Univ. Zagreb): Generalized Rose-surfaces [Link]
2010/05/06   E. Jurkin (Univ. Zagreb): Some remarks on Clifford's chain of theorems in affine CK-planes [Link]
2010/04/26   H. Pottmann (TU Wien & KAUST): Architekturgeometrie (FoSP-Kolloquium) [Link]

Events co-organized by Institute of Geometry 2007—2009
2009/09/20–25   ÖMG+DMV-Kongress, TU Graz [Link]
2009/07/06–09   Workshop Surfaces, Meshes, Geometric Structures (Admont) [Link]
2009/06/29–07/02   Conference on Geometry: Theory and applications, Pilsen [Link]
2007/09/15   Workshop Polyhedral surfaces and industrial applications (Strobl) [Link]
2007/06/08   Conference on Geometry (Vorau) [Link]
  Tag der Geometrie [22.4.2009] [2.4.2008]

Lectures by guests 2007—2009
2009/06/26   G. Umlauf (Univ. Kaiserslautern): Online triangulation of laser-scan data [Link]
2009/05/29   P. Oswald (Jacobs University Bremen): Polynomial Loop approximation [Link]
2009/05/15   N. Dyn (Tel Aviv Univ.): Linear and nonlinear subdivision schemes in geometric modeling (Math. Kolloquium) [Link]
2009/05/08   H. Bischof (TU Graz): Variationsmethoden für Computer Vision mittels Grafik-Hardware (FoSP-Kolloqium) [Link]
2009/04/28   H. Sobieczky (TU Wien): Oberflächen und ihre Zielfunktion: Definition für die aerodynamische Optimierung [Link]
2008/11/21   A.M. Vershik (St. Petersburg): Invariant integration in infinitely dimensional spaces and Poisson-Dirichlet measure [Link]
2008/10/14   T. Yu (Drexel Univ.): Subdivision on manifolds: The smoothness and approximation order mysteries [Link]
2008/06/24   S. Harizanov (Bremen): Stability of nonlinear multiresolution analysis [Link]
2008/05/15   U. Reif (TU Darmstadt): Analyse und Konstruktion von Subdivisionsalgorithmen [Link]
2008/05/08   O. Karpenkov (Univ. Leiden): Lattice discretization of trigonometric functions [Link]
2008/04/18   T. Sauer (Giessen): Subdivision in mehreren Variablen -- verfeinerbare Funktionen und die verfluchte Dimension (Math. Kolloquium) [Link]
2007/09/11   K. Polthier (FU Berlin): FreeLence -- Efficient compression of large geometry meshes [Link]
2007/07/30   A. Weinmann (München): Lipschitzräume bezüglich Jacobi-Translationen
2007/06/14   N. Dyn (Univ. Tel Aviv): Approximation of set-valued functions [Link]
2007/06/14   Ph. Grohs (TU Graz): Nonlinear interpolatory subdivision schemes [Link]
2007/04/19   I. Sabitov (Moscow): Solution of polyhedra [Link]
2007/03/16   J. Wallner: Diskrete Geometrie und Freiformflächen in der Architektur (Antrittsvorlesung, FoSP-Kolloquium)

Geometry seminar, archive of talks