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Institute of Geometry

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Research project: Computational Differential Geometry

This research area has been explored within the framework of the the National Research Network Industrial Geometry, funded by FWF, the SFB-Transregio Programme Discretization in Geometry and Dynamics which is funded by DFG and in part by FWF, and the Doctoral Programme Discrete Mathematics funded byFWF and installed at TU Graz, KFU Graz and MU Leoben.


Computational Differential Geometry means methods of both numerical and discrete mathematics with the purpose of investigating and modeling curves and surfaces. Themes of this research project are the robust analysis of differential properties of surfaces, the creation of discrete and semi-discrete models of freeform surfaces, and the study of geometric properties of such models. A recent topic is isometric mappings, including curved folding. The wealth of interesting geometry connected to applications in, say, architecture has come to the attention of mathematicians only a short while ago, and presumably only a small part of it has been investigated.

The list of publications below also includes work performed before the runtime of the above-mentioned grants.
